Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Not Grow Up

My shadow is too small. Is there anything you can do for me? We could try a shadow enlargement, but sometimes the shadows do get rather large and threatening. It might scare people. What about adding a second shadow, same size as this? And have two small shadows? Yes, I get awfully lonely sometimes. Be like Peter Pan and never grow up. Just don't bother growing up. Why not.

This is why I love my sports. Because there are rules. It's black and white. You win, you lose. You take this action, these are the consequences. You improve your technique so that you do the right thing and you don't fail. You know exactly what's going to happen to you. I love my surfing. It's a communion with the waves. And i know it wont let me down. Not like my love life. So many options. So many uncertaintities. I don't want to do this anymore. I am just going to be alone, because it's easier and even though it's more bitter, its easier. I dont get hurt.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Whale watching in Hervey Bay

Hervey Bay has been the most popular tourist and natural attractions in Australia, because of its popular creature called the Humpback Whale.Rorquals is a name given these variety of Whales where Humpback Whale is one of them,they use to visit the coastal waters off southern Queensland, however they come for calving in the warm waters of the tropics.Hervey Bay has become important to many of the tourists and visitors.Mid- July to early November is the best time for Whale watching in Hervey Bay.

For the first time the Whales wide, however as regular visits a made the Whales become familiar with the vessels and the visitors.
Also there is a body called the Environment Protection Agency guidelines which help protect the Whales.Whale watching in Hervey Bay is unforgettable for most tourist and visitors around the world.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

The True Poet

So many people in this world seek to write poetry and many of them seem to gravitate to Blogland to deliver their message. But what message are they delivering? What do the words mean and did they every really have meaning?

There are those who think that it shows their poetic ability if they string words together in almost meaningless phrases that could never touch the hearts of those who try to decipher their writings. Then there are those who write from the heart and in doing so touch the hearts of those who read. One poet wastes his talent and his time while the other has a message that is received and understood.